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The Role Of Automotive Expert In Dealership Acquisition

The Role of Automotive Expert in Dealership Acquisition

An automotive expert has an extremely important role in the process of a dealership acquisition. This type of professional can help auto dealers sell, trade, or transfer a dealership. These days, dealership acquisition spending is skyrocketing, so the need for qualified automotive experts has never been greater.


Dealership Acquisition Spending Soars in the U.S.


Did you know that, according to Automotive News, “Acquisition spending on U.S. dealerships by public retailers more than doubled during the first three quarters of 2013 from the same period in 2012?” Automotive News’ article also stated that public retailers in the U.S. paid about 117% more for dealerships in 2013. Clearly, dealership acquisition spending has been on the rise for years. Business owners should rely on the advice of an automotive expert in today’s active dealership market.


An Automotive Expert Helps Business Owners with Dealership Succession Planning/Acquisition


An automotive expert can be a great asset to an auto business owner in the area of dealership acquisition. How? By assisting him or her with the important business of dealership succession planning.


When engaging in dealership succession planning, an auto expert witness…


  • Assesses and accurately values an auto dealership.
  • Clarifies a business owner’s goals by discovering whether the individual wants the dealership to be acquired internally or externally.   
  • Develops a strategy for transition.


Only when a dealership’s value is clearly defined and its transition thoroughly planned is it ready for acquisition. Business owners who are even slightly considering dealership acquisition or transfer may want to reach out to an automotive expert to discover what steps to take next.


An Automotive Expert Can Assist You with Dealership Acquisition


Seeking a reputable professional for help with dealership succession planning and acquisition? If so, don’t hesitate to contact Bryan Parker. Automotive expert Bryan Parker has assisted many clients with dealership succession planning and other related issues. He can help you, too.
Dealership acquisition is a big deal. Business owners interested in acquiring, selling, or transferring an automobile dealership should contact an automotive expert who is experienced in dealership succession planning to ensure smooth results in the dealership acquisition process.